Bring photos to life through time-lapses.
It’s one thing to capture a beautiful moment and another to capture hundreds of them.
Time-lapses are one of my favourite ways to photograph the aurora. the technique is to shoot at least 30 minutes of still images, then merge them into a time-lapse. that way you have each frame as a high quality image and a time lose of the aurora’s motion.
Time lapses can be created many ways. One of the most common is utilizing the time-lapse feature on your camera to create a movie for you via the built-in intervalometer (timer). Another is to photograph each frame using a connected intervalometer (remote timer) to more precisely set capture cadence, exposure length, and the amount of time you want to delay (interval) between each exposure. The first method results in a video file. The second method results in a high quality image of each frame that you can edit to remove airplanes, satellites, and colour correct if desired. My fave. (Plus a tripod!)
Technical aspects of these time-lapses.
Shot in RAW format (NEF), images are edited and composited in Photoshop, audio (optional) added in iMovie.